Bret Michaels Suffers A Medical Emergency On Stage!

Such a scary moment!
Rock star Bret Michaels had to be rushed off of a Manchester, New Hampshire stage in the middle of his concert last night!
The reason: he was suffering from severely low blood sugar!
The 51-year-old former Poison frontman has battled Type 1 diabetes most of his life. His blood sugar levels plummeted and paramedics had to treat him immediately!
Bret’s team posted an update on his Twitter shortly after the incident, saying:

Guitarist Pete Evick also issued an official statement describing the shocking and scary incident! He was standing next to Bret when it happened and explained:

“This is a message I never imagined I├óΓé¼Γäód have to post. Tonight in Manchester, NH 3 songs into the set Bret had me sing a song as he rushed off stage. In the 9 years I├óΓé¼Γäóve stood next to him, I├óΓé¼Γäóve never seen a look like the one on his face as if I was a complete stranger. One of the crew returned instantly to notify me that Bret├óΓé¼Γäós blood sugar was extremely low.
He returned to the stage only to announce that he could not continue. As you all know he is a health fanatic and fiercely monitors his blood sugar, he basically had to be dragged off the stage in his sickest of conditions. When I rushed to the bus he could barley speak, but begged me to apologize to the fans and seemed only concerned for them.
As of now he is with paramedics being evaluated. We will keep you posted throughout the evening.”

We so hope Bret is okay and that his blood sugar is back to normal!
We’ll keep you posted Perezcious readers when new info becomes available.
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]