Oh My! Mark Ballas & Bristol Palin Getting Death Threats!

C’mon people! Too far! It’s just a T.V. show…right?

It seems fans of Dancing With The Stars are simply outraged that Sarah Palin’s eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, has made it into the finals. Sources at the studio are allegedly that security has been extremely heightened since last week, when numerous death threats were sent to both Bristol and Mark Ballas.

We’re told things are getting so bad that execs had to step in to do some major changes. For starters, Mark had to stop tweeting because it was fueling the fires. Tonight’s performance show will see tons of extra security on hand and should Bristol and Mark’s next stop be New York for show promotion, the couple won’t be doing the standard interview outside in Time Square, but rather in studio.

Normally, we assume there wouldn’t be so much fuss, but one source says that things have just gotten too “crazy” and that everyone on the show is “genuinely worried.”

Yikes! Maybe it’s better for her if she doesn’t win! She might be safer that way!

[Image via WENN.]