Brooke Comes Out In Defense Of Her Daddy!

As we mentioned earlier this week, Hulk “I love OJ Simpson” Hogan said some very interesting comments during a recent interview. Such as “I could have turned everything into a crime scene, like OJ, cutting everybody’s throat. I totally understand OJ. I get it.”
Linda Hogan has already spoken out about these insensitive comments, and now it’s their fame-whoring daughter Brooke Hogan‘s turn.
But the peroxide blonde is actually defending her dad.
Say what????
Brookie-poo says:

“I cannot believe how blown out of proportion one small part of a seven-page article has become. It’s a classic case of a quote being taken out of context. I look up to my father in every way. He has been through so much and has taken the high road through it all. The idea that he would condone the O.J. situation is just outrageous.”

Actually, we think what he said can stand alone. Saying you understand OJ Simpson and murdering your ex-wife really can’t be taken out of context. Can it?
Brooke needs to spend less time talking and more time on the stripper pole!
[Image via WENN.]