This Burglar Got Busted For The Dumbest Reason Of All Time! (Hint: It Involves Facebook!)

It was the perfect crime. So perfect, he just had to update his status about it!
Now in contention for the Dumbest Criminal Of All Time Award, St. Paul Minnesota’s Nicholas Wig was busy burglarizing a home when he just had to see if anyone had “liked” his cat video.
Yeah, he logged into Facebook.
When homeowner James Wood returned home and found he’d been robbed, he also found something else- Wig had forgotten to log out of his account!
Wood posted on Wig’s Facebook page about the robbery and lured him back to the house, telling him he had left some evidence behind.
But when Wig returned to the scene of the crime, Wood recognized him from all his profile pics and immediately called the cops!
Wig now faces up to 10 years in prison on burglary charges. Something tells us he won’t be joining Ocean’s 14 when he gets out!
[Image via CBS 4 WCCO.]