Cameron Diaz Defends Her Lust For Pubes On TV! Lasers Bad, Pubes Good!

Cameron Diaz loves pubes. Period.
Well, not like LOVES loves, it’s not like she meticulously ties them together and flosses with them or something. That’s gross, why would you think that?
Anywayz, remember how she dedicated an entire section of her health guide The Body Book to lady vagina curtains?
Well she went on The Graham Norton Show to set the record straight on her feelings about pubic hair.
While sitting there, on TV, in front of millions judging her, she decided to clear the air on her stance on pubes, saying:

“I would like to clear up what I said. I don’t care what women do with it but we should be informed about how their bodies work. It is there for a reason and to laser it off is to lose it forever!”

Then she actually reached over and grabbed her fellow guest, actor/director Richard Ayoade’s hair like a prop!
She continued:

“It will never come back and I think women should consider what forever means.”

You know, in case you one day decide to grow a big ol’ bush and you don’t wanna go merkin shopping! That’s always so embarrassing!
The merkins are usually in the back, and you have to ask for a key attached to a big piece of wood and it’s this whole awful ordeal. Or not, we don’t know, we’ve never been, that’s just a guess.
Cause we ain’t ‘fraid of no pubes! Lasers aimed at our crotch is scarier than pubes.
Way to speak your mind and make everyone think about your pubes, Cameron!