Camille Is Not Ready To Date

We don’t blame her!

Kelsey Grammer may be getting married, but his soon-to-be ex-wife Camille is NOT looking to jump into anything new.

Here’s what Camille’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-star Taylor Armstrong had to say about Grammer’s love life:

“As far as setting Camille up, I’m going to have to let her be the guide on that one. I know she’s nowhere near ready to date. But when she’s ready to date, we’re all here!”

We don’t blame her for staying out of the dating game for a while. She’s got plenty of other things to focus on right now, such as finalizing her divorce and ensuring the well-being of her kids.

Don’t worry, Camille. When the time is right, you’ll meet someone new!

[Image via WENN.]