Cara Delevingne in movie roles is becoming far more fruitful than we ever imagined!!
The high fashion model is ditching her catwalks for…uhh, dreadlocks in her latest film endeavour: London Fields! The movie has been in production for over two weeks now, and is based off a book by Martin Amis.
We├óΓé¼Γäóre not entirely sure what Cara’s role is, or even if it even involves Bob Marley-esque locks. All we know is that her makeup artist, S├â┬«an Richards, posted a pic (above) to Twitter with a caption saying:
“Myself and @Caradelevingne messing about in her last day of shooting. I love her :).”
If they were simply “messing about”, maybe the model found some dreads lying around on set and posed for a quick picture in them.
Or she could actually have dreads in the flick, which in our opinion would be 100 times more amazeballs!! Especially if Cara plays any part with Amber Heard, who has a lead role in the movie.
Guess we’ll have to wait and see!
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[Image via Twitter.]