Carmen Electra Gets Pulled Over And Then Something Unexpected Happens!

Or, totally expected, depending on how you feel about cops when they’re doing routine traffic stops and there’s a pretty (and famous!) lady in the driver’s seat!
Carmen Electra may or may not have been (okay she admits it) speeding a little bit when she got pulled over by a cop, who then proceeded to get her to take a picture (above) with his motorcycle. We have no idea if she was cited or not, but we’re going to go ahead and guess that no, she wasn’t!
She tweeted this along with the pic:

‘Got pulled over for slightly speeding and this happened…’

It’s pretty interesting that she asked who we assume is the cop to take the pic with HER phone — unless she had him text it to her to post, which would be even weirder! What would Ryan Lochte think??
Seems like cops shouldn’t be doing stuff like this on the job, but hey, at least Carmen might’ve gotten a free pass!
[Image via Twitter.]