Mini-Madoff! Carol Burnett's Former Son-In-Law Jailed For Alleged Ponzi Scheme!

We’ve just learned that Carol Burnett’s former son-in-law Anthony “Trae” Carlson has been arrested in El Lay for allegedly running a Ponzi scheme!
Carlson was brought into jail on Oct. 21, and his bail was set at $2.5 million after being charged with 40 fraud-related felonies! Wow.
Here’s what Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones had to say about Carlson and his cohorts’ crimes:

“This family conspired to rip off honest investors. Thankfully, they were apprehended before defrauding additional victims.”

Carlson and his cohorts will appear in Los Angeles Municipal Court on Dec. 1, and we have a feeling that they’ll remain in jail until then.
We’d be SHOCKED if Carol puts up $2.5 million for her criminal ex-son-in-law’s bail!
[Image via WENN.]