Carrie Underwood’s Husband Got Bitten While Saving Her From A Chipmunk In Their Home!!!

What a hero!

Like most other people, Carrie Underwood didn’t want to deal with a chipmunk in her house.

Thankfully, her tough hubby Mike Fisher came to the rescue, grabbing the critter with his bare hands and getting bitten in the process (above)!

Carrie made “Mikey” show the world just how bad the bite was, and he was pretty impressed by the little guy too, tweeting:

├óΓé¼┼ôTurtleman’d a chipmunk in the bathroom. They have more bite force than I thought and sick vertical too!├óΓé¼┬¥


And in case you were wondering what happened to the chipmunk, Carrie said:

We’re glad it’s back in its habitat, but maybe Mike should get a rabies shot just in case.

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