Casper Smart NEVER Cheated On Jennifer Lopez With Transexuals, And If You Say Otherwise He's Got Plans For You!

In case you didn’t hear him the first time, Casper Smart wants you to know that he NEVER rode the transexual train to fun town!!!
Well, at least not while he was dating Jennifer Lopez!
And, if you don’t believe him, he just might slap your a** with a lawsuit! Who knows, maybe he’ll actually slap your literal a**, too. But probably not if you’re transexual. Because he’s trying to dispel those rumors.
At any rate, Casper’s lawyer recently sent a harshly worded letter to, stating he NEVER banged (or even met) any of the transexuals in question. The letter also assures them Casper never sent them dirty pics and that he definitely didn’t cheat on J.Lo!
And if the folks at TheDirty don’t remove their claims to the contrary, his lawyer says they’ll sue the crap out of them!
Nik Richie, the site’s founder isn’t backing off, though. He responded:

“Casper, go get a real job. I heard Instagram is hiring over in their compliance department … Stop blaming everyone else for your problems.”

Yikes! That’s pretty harsh!