Celebrity Chef Cat Cora BUSTED For DUI! Check Out Her Mugshot HERE!

Not good, gurl!
Around the World In 80 PlatesCat Cora was arrested for a DUI on June 17th after rear-ending another vehicle and registering TWICE the legal limit on a breath test!
Ch-ch-check out her mug shot, which was taken 11 days after the incident in Santa Barbara, as an official one was never taken (above)!
The celebrity chef says in a statement:

“I deeply regret my decision to drive that evening after my designated driver became unavailable. I learned a very important lesson from this experience and take full accountability for my actions. This will never happen again.”

We certainly hope not, gurl!
It only takes one mistake to ruin your – or someone else’s – life irreversibly, so we’re very glad to hear that you’ve taken accountability for your reckless error in judgment!
We’ll see if the judge takes that into consideration during your July 26th arraignment!