Catherine Zeta Jones Can't Believe The Strength Michael Douglas Had Through Battle With Cancer

Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas have tackled some MAJOR hurdles together over the past few years, but luckily they provided great support systems for each other.

The Behind The Candelabra actor recently opened up about his wife’s struggles with bipolar disorder, and now she’s speaking out about his battle with throat cancer.

Catherine did everything she could to show support for her husband through his difficult time, but she said it wasn’t always easy for her to be strong while he was undergoing chemotherapy:

“I wasn’t as strong as I thought I could have been. I look back and I can’t believe the strength he had.”

The actress also opened up about her own health issues and her struggles with bipolar disorder, which she says she’s been “dealing with for a long time.”

Catherine says that she and Michael spend a lot of time together, and sometimes she needs a little alone time to get her head straight:

“We recently had an extension built, to house a closet. It’s like the Tardis – I go in there and never come out.”

Did she just make a Dr. Who reference?!?! Well played, Catherine!!

It definitely sounds like the actress still has a few hurdles to overcome with her own health issues, but it’s great to hear that Michael is willing to do whatever it takes to help her get through her rough patches!

It’s so important to have a support system for situations like this, and it sounds like these two have given each other all the strength they’ve needed to overcome their obstacles together!

[Image via WENN.]