Catherine Zeta-Jones Tries To Remove Bipolar Disorder Stigma

Catherine Zeta-Jones went public in 2011 as being diagnosed with bipolar II disorder.
Bipolar II disorder means that she suffers long periods of depression that slowly swing to periods of mild mania.
She said:

“It’s been an intense time, in good ways and bad. You find out who you really are and who you’re married to. You find things inside yourself you never imagined were there.”

So aside from self-discovery, she’s trying to be more forthcoming and open when it comes to battling her depression.
She said:

“You can’t escape what people say, and if you’re human it can be painful. The smartest thing I did was to stop going online. I’m the sort of person who will just look for the negative. [My husband] Michael [Douglas] can’t really understand it, but that is the way I am. With my bipolar thing, that’s poison. So I just stopped. Cold turkey. And it’s so liberating.”

So not googling herself then reading all the negative media is working for her!
We’re glad she found such a simple way to eliminate a major stressor!
She isn’t really all about airing out her personal issues in public but if it can help others, she’s game, saying:

“I’m not the kind of person who likes to shout out my personal issues from the rooftops, but with my bipolar becoming public, I hope fellow suffers will know it is completely controllable. I hope I can help remove any stigma attached to it, and that those who didn’t have it under control will seek help with all that is available to treat it.”

We’re glad she’s being open and honest.
If it just makes even one person more confident they can deal with their bipolar diagnosis, then it’s all worthwhile!
[Image via WENN.]