Cavalli Starts Bloggin'

Welcome to the blogosphere Roberto Cavalli!

The designer has launched his own blog

How original.

And to make sure everyone knows what Roberto is up to at every waking second, he’s also set up a facebook page and joined Twitter.

His decision to get techno-savvy was “to increase the web platform as I have always been attracted by new technologies and my interest in social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, became the perfect way for me to communicate to my fans my lifestyle, my fashion, my ‘joie de vivre’.”

He adds that keeping in direct contact with them via social networking is a great way to learn and create things that they would like.

Word of advice to the new tweeter: don’t get too carried away like Robert Duffy. You may say some things that you’ll later regret!

P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!

[Image via Andres Otero/WENN.]