Celebrities Tweet Their Love For Boston Following Marathon Bombing Suspect's Arrest!

It’s been an intense, horrific, and truly tragic week, but finally, the American public can start to breath a sigh a relief, knowing that after a 24-hour manhunt through suburban streets, the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, has been arrested.
And while President Barack Obama held a press conference from The White House last night to address the nation and congratulate not only the local, state and federal authorities, but also the people of Boston for their bravery, resole, and determination in this time of crisis, all sorts of celebrities descended to Twitter to join in the celebration…and give their own, personal thanks for a job truly well-done!
Ch-ch-check out what the likes of Kim Kardashian, Watertown native Eliza Dushku, Olivia Wilde, Charlie Sheen and many more had to say…AFTER THE JUMP!!!
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[Image via AP Images.]