Chace Crawford Loves S&M! Could He Be Cast In Fifty Shades Of Grey Flick?!

Have mercy!
You know, while his character continuelly got gypped of a storyline, the one thing we will give the writers of Gossip Girl is this:
Chace Crawford got AROUND on that show!
Like, for the last four years of the show, every new female character that showed up ended up in bed with him. No, seriously — go down the list of all the female characters that appeared on GG (that wasn’t a parent or Dorota, ew) and name us ONE he didn’t hook up with.
While you ponder that, let’s get into this. PICTURE IT:
Chace Crawford… as Christian Grey!
Now, there are a lot of names being thrown around for this pivotal part in the Fifty Shades Of Grey flick, one particular that we are rooting for (Smolderhalder!), but if we’re being totally honest, Chace may be one of the most logical choices in Tinsel Town. He fits the description, he fills out a suit really nicely … and we’re pretty sure no one is going to object to watching him roll around shirtless on screen doing nughty, naughty things. But how does Chace feel about potentially taking the role:

├óΓé¼┼ôI would love the challenge … I know that it is risque, and to be honest, anything to shake up from the way I have been going would be good. Hey, if they ask me to come and read, I would definitely do so.”

Okay, sounds promising. But what of all the S&M he’ll have to do? Turns out, HE’S INTO IT:

├óΓé¼┼ôI am only comfortable with S&M sex scenes! The other ones are just too simple and boring for me … I actually think, whether it is a sex scene, or screaming at something to get something across, I think it is kind of attacked the same way, and you├óΓé¼Γäóre in the work mode, and you stay professional. It has never been awkward or intimidating to me.├óΓé¼┬¥

Phew! Did it just get hot in here? We’re finding it increasingly difficult to focus. Visions of sugar plums fuzzy handcuffs and other naughty toys are dancing around in our…
You know what? Let’s just cut it there. And Chace, we’ll cross our fingers for you to get the part! And our toes. And our eyes. And any other available appendages to help you possibly land the role of a lifetime generation.
[Image via The CW]