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Channing Tatum's Beatbox Skills Soothe His Baby Everly!

Channing Tatum's Beatbox Skills Soothe His Baby Everly!

channing tatums beatbox skills soothe his baby everly

This guy is rocking it as a daddy!

Lots of celebrity dads are nervous about becoming fathers – that is only normal!

But only a few of them rise to the occasion like Channing Tatum has!

Channing’s wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum has been SO impressed with Channing’s skills with their daughter Everly.

And yet she’s also learned some qualities about her hubby in the process, too! Like the fact that he’s apparently super sensitive!

Here’s what the Witches of East End star said:

“He’s amazing. It’s funny├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥he’s so sensitive. He’s like this really strong big guy in life, but you give him this little baby and he’s like, ‘Oh my god, is she going to drop? Am I doing everything ok?'”

According to his wife, the Magic Mike star is also a diaper changing machine!

Jenna said:

“[He’s] the most amazing diaper changer. It’s like the one thing he knows he can do. He’s like, ‘Let me get in there. Let me change those diapers.’ Here you go!”

Lolz! Sexiest man alive AND unafraid to change the diapers??? Sounds like Simon Cowell could learn a thing or two from Channing!

But the most impressive skill Channing has with his lovely daughter is the way he’s able to sooth her to sleep! It’s with his beatbox skills!

Jenna explains:

“The baby is crying and you’re like, ├óΓé¼╦£What do I do to make her stop crying?’ And all of a sudden, he starts beatboxing and she starts cooing. I’m like, what? I have been rocking her. I have been swaying her. I’ve been doing squats and he gets here and he [beatboxes]. She would just fall asleep in his arms. Till this day…We beat box what we’re doing during the day.”

AWW!!! That’s literally the most amazing way to get a baby to sleep that we’ve ever heard!

The way of the beatbox is definitely an art form though, so it’s not for everyone!

But if you got the skills to pay the bills aka put your baby to sleep, then why wouldn’t you take advantage of everything and anything that you could?

Go, Channing Tatum, go!!!

[Image via Instagram.]

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Oct 02, 2013 13:37pm PDT