Charlie Sheen Plea Bargain Stalled!

Not good!
Charlie Sheen‘s domestic violence plea deal is running into some bumps in the road with each party not being able to come to an agreement.
The Aspen District Attorney’s Office had offered Charlie a one-year deferred sentence to felony menacing which would result in no jail time.
If Charlie stays out of trouble during that one year period, the crime is wiped from his record.
BUT if he slips up he’s automatically convicted of the crime!
A source reveals:

“They are no closer to reaching a deal and it does not look like any agreement will be reached when they next go to court on July 12, 2010. If there is no resolution then the judge could well set a trial date if he can clear his calendar and find a date that will suit the attorneys too.
“This might not be the worst option because it could buy all sides a couple of months breathing space and more time to reach a plea deal because at the moment there is stalemate.”

Sheen’s next court date is set for July 12.
We think the deferral would sound good in theory, but with Charlie’s criminal record we don’t think it’s likely he’ll stay out of trouble for one whole year!
What do U think?
[Image via Getty Images.]