Charlize Theron Rejects The Idea Of Ageism In Hollywood -- 'It's Time To Stop This Cliche'

Charlize Theron
is not here for ageism!
The actress covers Vanity Fair Italy’s December issue and addresses aging and sexism in Hollywood by encouraging women to stop believing that their looks are the most important thing.
Related: Charlize Says She’s ‘Very Fat Right Now’
She said:

“The time has come for women to realize that the way we look outside is not the most important thing and it’s not true we are worth less when we age.”

The Fast 8 star also seems to reject notions that ageism is as big a problem in Hollywood as people claim, saying:

“Now that I’m 41 I work much more than 20 years ago, and I enjoy it even more. And all the women I know say the same thing, so it’s time to stop this clich├â┬⌐. Movies are just the mirror of society; the real problem is there. Hollywood’s gender problem is nothing compared to the society’s problem.”

She probably works more now because she’s a huge star (and she’s really not that old either). We don’t think a lesser known actress who got plenty of work in her 20s can say the same thing. But what do we know. Maybe Char is right.
On a lighter note, she looks GORGE on this cover!
[Image via Vanity Fair Italy]