Charmed Cast To Be Reunited At Oz Comic-Con In 2014!

Even though a Charmed reboot was frowned upon by Rose McGowan & Alyssa Milano, it doesn’t mean that a reunion is out of the question!
Former Charmed stars Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs and Brian Krause have been called upon to make an appearance at a couple of Oz Comic-Con events next year!
It seems as though they’ve charmed the pants off the citizens of Melbourne because they were just in Australia this year!
No word yet if Piper and Prue’s other sister will be joining them at the magical events next year, but wouldn’t that be quite a surprise for the fans down under?!
It would totes be a mini family reunion and that beats a remake any day!
But a Piper, Prue & Leo reunion is also good, beggers can’t be choosers.