Wow! Chrissy Teigen Has Been Trolling Trump For SIX YEARS!

It didn’t take a pussy-grabbing comment or an un-American immigration ban for Chrissy Teigen to start hating Donald Trump… nope, this is a deep-rooted detestation that she’s been dedicated to for the past six years! LOLz!
So welcome to the party, y’all!
Turns out, the Twitter Queen has been trolling Drumpf ever since 2011 — right around the time of his first rumored presidential run.
Remember when that felt like such a joke??? Sigh.
Related: Chrissy Involved In Hollywood Hit & Run Car Crash

Anyway… let’s take a look at Miz Teigen’s longtime disdain for the reality-star-turned-politician that started before her rise to fame, and quite frankly, she was clearly on to something!
If only we knew now what Chrissy has been warning us about all along…

When it was TOTALLY CRAZY that a reality star would even consider becoming the leader of the free world:

Still true:

And let’s not forget about the time the supermodel live tweeted the Miss USA pageant in 2012:

Persistence is key:

When The Donald led the outrageous birther movement, John Legend‘s wife finally unfollowed the controversial businessman on social media:

Oh boy, how relevant this is now…

A few other gems:

All these years later and nothing is really different other than the fact that Donald is now our fucking president (*cries*).
But the celeb is still fighting the good fight:

Troll on, bb!