Chris Pratt and Anna Faris Want You To Adopt Their Old Cat

Chris Pratt and his wife Anna Faris have a very old cat. So old, they’re having trouble taking care of her and are looking for someone to adopt her.
Chris went on twitter and wrote:

“Anyone in the LA area want a cat? Full disclosure, she’s old and prone to accidents. So sweet though. And was in Stuart Little. (literally)”

She is a former actor cat, but now at “19-or-so” they are finding it hard to take care of her, and when people began responding positively, saying they’d take the cat, he later wrote:

“Really? She is very sweet and needs a good home. We have pugs and she’s too old to deal. She needs one on one attention.”

Chris also commented on the Amanda Knox verdict. He said:

“#amandaknox so happy for you and your family!!! Want a cat?”

Will somebody just take his cat already?! LOLz!
[Image via Apega/WENN.]