Christina Ricci Smurfs Out In Green On The East Coast

While everyone and their grandmother blue themselves at the El Lay premiere, Christina Ricci held down the smurfy fort back in NYC.

The actress plays one of the “Naughties” in the new animated film, but she looked anything but that at the east coast screening on Sunday night.

We were a little blue in the face when we saw she didn’t go with the color scheme, however, the green jacquard Thom Browne dress, along with green Casadei heels were more than welcome on the red carpet.

Pairing the outfit with a Jimmy Choo clutch and Harry Winston earrings, Miz Ricci looked whimsical with her braided crown.

If there’s one thing that could make Smurfette green with envy, it would be Christina’s look!

[Image via Mr. Blue/WENN.]