Christopher Nolan Announces The Title Of His New Batman Movie!

Finally! Some official details!
Director Christopher Nolan has announced the title of the third installment of his Batman movies, and it will officially be called The Dark Knight Rises!
He also revealed that, despite much speculation, The Riddler will not be the film’s villain!
He explains:

“We’ll use many of the same characters as we have all along, and we’ll be introducing some new ones.”

Eh – we’re not too thrilled with the title, but then again, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight aren’t exactly innovative, either!
Lame about The Riddler, though! We really wanted to see Joseph Gordon-Levitt rawk that part! But hopefully this means Catwoman will be showing up for a much-needed dose of ferocity!
What do U think?? Like the title?? Who do U want to see as the film’s villain??