Chuck Norris Becomes An Honorary Texas Ranger

Chuck Norris has decided to honor Texas by allowing them the privilege of designating him as an Honorary Texas Ranger.

Why did it take until now for him to become a Texas Ranger, you might ask?

Chuck Norris could have become a Texas Ranger at any time, but he knew that if he were to join the group, lots of good men would be fired because all crime would immediately cease in Texas out of fear of Chuck Norris, which would make other rangers’ jobs obsolete, so he decided to wait until now to join up on a solely honorary basis in an effort to keep Texas Rangers employed.

Congratulations, Chuck! We’re sure that all of Texas will be able to sleep easier knowing that you’re out there just in case the other less perfect Texas Rangers ever slip up.

Do U think Chuck Norris deserves to be an Honorary Texas Ranger? This is of course a rhetorical question because Chuck Norris deserves to be everything good, all the time.

[Image via WENN.]