Man Convicted Of Rape Based On A Dream Gets New Trial After 28 Years In Prison -- Will Evidence Clear His Name??

No one will be celebrating this holiday season more than Clarence Moses-EL!
The Colorado man, who was convicted of rape based on the victim’s dream, has been released after a 28-year stint in prison!
After the 60-year-old served over half his 48-year sentence for the 1987 brutal rape of his neighbor, and was granted a new trial on December 14.
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Denver District Court Judge Kandace C. Gerdes said in an order she vacated Moses-EL’s conviction based on new evidence as well as previously admitted evidence that was “sufficient on salient points to allow a jury to probably return a verdict of acquittal in favor of the Defendant.”
During the original 1987 investigation, the victim alleged to police that she was drinking with neighbors before she was returned home, where she was violently raped twice.
According to the judge’s order, named three men when asked who attacked her, “LC, Earl, Darnell” — but a day and a half later, she pointed at Moses-EL and told police his face appeared to her in a dream!
The trial resulted in Moses-EL being convicted in 1988 of sexual assault, assault, and burglary and he was sentenced to 48 years in prison.
Throughout his sentence, Moses-EL tried to appeal his conviction and in the ├óΓé¼╦£90s won a legal bid for DNA testing on the evidence to clear his name — but the police accidentally destroyed it.
But things looked up for him in 2012, when LC Jackson wrote Moses-EL a letter identifying himself as the victim’s attacker — admitting he had sex with her that night and physically assaulted her.
According to attorneys, not only was Jackson’s confession evidence to make the judge overturn his conviction, but Jackson’s blood type matched the blood type of the perpetrator.
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While Moses-EL still faces four felony counts, his attorney says he is just enjoying his freedom before his hearing scheduled for February 25, detailing:

“He is not making any grand plans right now. He is enjoying being with his family, wife, his son and grandkids, and doing simple things and appreciating the world around him.”

On his first night as a free man, Clarence celebrated with family and his legal team eating shrimp pizza and banana cream pie!
Hopefully, the record is finally set straight.
[Image via AP Images.]