And The Right Wing Bull Shiz Hits The Fan Regarding Chaz Bono's Upcoming DWTS Stint!

And here we goooo…

It was only a matter of time before SOMEONE and their ignorant, right-wing bullshit mentality had something to say against transgendered Chaz Bono‘s inclusion on the upcoming season of Dancing With The Stars, and that lucky person seems to be Dan Gainor, VP of Business & Culture at the Media Research Center, which “seeks to bring balance to the news media and prevent liberal from undermining traditional American values.”

Yeah. Seriously.

(We personally think someone’s just all pissy because his last name sounds like GAY.)

He says:

├óΓé¼┼ôWhether it├óΓé¼Γäós Glee or Dancing With the Stars, this is part of Hollywood├óΓé¼Γäós insistence on tearing down traditional families. Parents now more than ever must realize they cannot let their kids watch television without supervision or risk advocating lifestyles that most families do not approve of.”

MOST families? Excuse us?

Sorry to break it to you, princess, but we’re pretty sure that whether you like it or not, MOST families have at least ONE LGBT member!

It’s only a matter of time before we start re-defining what the word ‘traditional’ means to Americans, so it’s time you got used to seeing REAL PEOPLE – with the same RIGHTS as anyone else, mind you – who just happen to be a little DIFFERENT than what you and your close-minded beliefs perceive as normal, on television!


[Image via WENN.]