Bikini Body Butt Workout! Turn That Flab Into Fab!

Summer life would be UNBEARABLE without Courtney Barber here to help us get ready for it!
Are you ready for that tiny bikini you bought in prep for the summer? ARE YOU REALLY?? Even if you technically are, nobody is going to turn down a little toning advice — and if you aren’t, here’s your ticket to glory! LOLz!
Courtney has brought us a bunch of bikini body butt workouts, all of them simple enough that you can do them without a gym! Plus, they just plain work!
They work so you can WERK! Ha! Ch-ch-check them out (above)!
Courtney is always here to help! Check out her website HERE or facebook HERE and don’t forget to follow her on twitter @CourtneyBFit! And if U wanna know more about bikini body butt workouts OR anything else, U can always email us at!!