The PERFECT TV Tone Up Workout!!

Who doesn’t want to get in shape AND watch hours of TV??
Luckily, we have Courtney Barber here to teach you how that’s possible. Here’s what she said:
Like everyone, I enjoy watching some great shows on TV (I love Breaking Bad!) however if you count up all the hours you spend watching TV each week, you would be amazed to see how much time you really have! Watching a 1 hour program each day might not seen like a lot, but after a week, that is 7 hours of “dead” time! Imagine what your body might look like if you added 7 extra hours of exercise to your current lifestyle?
So how can you make the most of this time, while still enjoying your favorite shows? Easy! Instead of sitting down, try my TV Tone Up Workout, which I have put together specifically for you to complete in your living room. This can be done in the ad breaks or repeated consistently for the entire hour. Now you can burn fat and enjoy True Blood at the same time 🙂
TV Tone Up Workout
Equipment: Towel, 1 gallon water jug (filled), Couch
Repeat each exercise for the required reps and then move onto the next one, until you complete the full circuit.
1. Squat & Press – 15 reps
2. Jumping Jacks – 60 seconds
3. Walking Lunge – 15 reps each leg
4. Chest Press – 15 reps
5. Oblique Twist – 30 reps
6. Jumping Jacks – 60 seconds
7. Glute Raise (Legs on Couch) – 15 reps
8. Tricep Dips – 15 reps
Repeat x 3/4 times. To increase the intensity, add a set of jumping jacks between each exercise or increase the number of reps.
Exercise Notes:
Squat & Press – Standing in a squat position with your feet wide and toes pointed out, hold the jug with both hands. Squat down til the jug touches the floor and then press the jug over your head.
Chest Press – Lie on your back and hold the jug across your chest. Using both hands, press the jug over your chest til your arms are extended.
Oblique Twist – Sitting up, lean back to 45 degrees, holding the jug in both hands. Twist your torso while moving the jug in an arc across your body.
Glute Raise – Lie on the floor with your legs up on the couch, palms flat on the floor. Keeping your body straight and abs in tight, let your bottom drop towards the floor, then using your glutes, squeeze it up so you are in a nice straight line again.
I hope you enjoy the workout and remember if you have any fitness questions, please send them my way!
Courtney is always here to help! Check out her website HERE or facebook HERE and don’t forget to follow her on twitter @CourtneyBFit! And if U wanna know more about TV workouts OR anything else, U can always email us at!!