Crest Unveils A New Chocolate Flavored Toothpaste! But Is It Actually Good For Your Teeth?

Do you LOVE chocolate but HATE brushing your teeth??
Well Crest has a solution that might fix this little conundrum! Introducing Mint Chocolate Trek, the toothpaste that tastes like (you guessed it), CHOCOLATE!
The toothpaste-making company unrolled a new line of “Adventurous” flavors, which immediately raised the question, are these actually good for us??
Surprisingly, cocoa actually contains ingredients such as theobromine and polyphenols that are really good for your teeth! The only problem is, none of them are in the toothpaste!
But don’t worry, Crest didn’t forget to add fluoride to the chocolatey goodness, and according to American Dental Association consumer advisor Matthew Messina, that’s what’s really important:

“I have no idea whether the public will embrace chocolate as a toothpaste flavor. What’s most important is that people brush for two minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste –no matter what the flavor”

Well that’s good to know!
And if chocolate toothpaste isn’t your thing, they got you covered with two additional flavors, Vanilla Mint Spark and Lime Spearmint Zest!
We don’t know if this is totally gross or if we should run to the store now and buy a tube or two or twelve!
Ch-ch-check out the strange new flavor (below)!

[Image via P&G.]