Criss Angel Speaks (By Proxy)

In response to claims that his new Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas was a big piece of poo, Criss Angel‘s publicist just reached out to us and sent the following email:

“Wanted to introduce myself to you as Criss Angel’s PR rep.

Saw your pickup of the Doug Elfman article on Believe, Criss’ show with Cirque du Soleil. As you may imagine I take issue with the majority of it.

There were 1500 hundred people there for each show on Friday and Saturday night. The show received standing ovations both nights and was well received all the way through.

After Saturday’s show Criss invited the entire audience to stay so he could personally thank each and every one of them. Over 700 people waited and Criss did as he promised, staying for more than a few hours to do so. If you were a paying audience member that was dissatisfied, would you have stayed to meet him?

Just because the reporter chose not to find anyone that said anything positive, or rather did and didn’t use quotes from them, is no true indication of the direction that the show is headed.

I do want to thank you for mentioning the preview period, because that was a key element that went lacking in the story. The show will be more than ready by Halloween night. I’d like to invite you personally to come see it, meet Criss and judge for yourself.

I know that Criss has taken his shots in the press, some justifiably, but this was an unfair way to talk about the first two performances of what is a ten year run in Las Vegas. Is the show completely ready? No and that is what the preview period is all about.

I do appreciate your time and am serious about the invite to see it for yourself. Thanks.”

We definitely plan on seeing it.

We love all the Cirque show!

[Image via Getty.]