Crissy Ronaldo Totals Ferrari, Miraculously Walks Away From Accident Unscathed

We’re glad he’s OK!

On Thursday morning, Manchester United superstar, the hottness that is Cristiano Ronaldo, completely wrecked his $300K Ferrari in a Manchester Airport tunnel.

He apparently lost control of the car in the tunnel, hit the wall and sent parts of the barrier separating the two-way tunnel across lanes.

Ronnie, surprisingly, was able to get himself out of that mangled mess!

A witness said, ├óΓé¼┼ôRonaldo was just standing at the side of the road looking forlorn and bewildered.”

And after the crash madness, Ronnie attended a Manchester United practice session!

What dedication.

Someone’s guardian angel worked overtime today!

[Ronnie image via WENN. Crash image via AP.]