CUTE Baby Hippo Born And It's A Boy!!!

We’re hungry for more pictures of Hippos!!

Czech Republic’s Ostrava Zoo welcomed a new addition to its family recently, and it’s an adorable one!!

The new addition is a healthy baby Hippo boy, and he looks like he’s going to grow up and be REALLY big and SUPER strong!!!

We’re not sure what the little guy’s name is yet, but it sounds like he’s got great genetics going for him.

His mama Katka has already raised ten of his hippo brothers and sisters, and his pop-pop Honza, at 46-years-old, is the oldest Hippo in all of Europe!

You’re in good hands, kid!

Or wait is it hooves? They kind of look almost like… well, anyway, check more cute pictures (below) !!!

[Image via Zoo Ostrava.]