Pug Puppies Remake Will Ferrell's Elf! See The Li'l Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins HERE!

We’ve already seen the pug version of Home Alone├óΓé¼┬ª
Now it’s time for some more holiday awesomeness├óΓé¼┬ª
Cutie pug puppies have remade Will Ferrell’s Elf!!
As you know, pug puppies could do just about anything and we’d love the heck out of it, but when they do one of our favorite holiday movies?? We’re basically losing our minds over here.
No joke, this is just about one of the best things ever. We had no idea puppies could be so tiny!
We want a truckload of pug puppies waiting for us under the tree this year!
Check out the terrific video AFTER THE JUMP!!