Cut Your Calories By Just 10% And You Could Live How Much Longer?!? You'll Watch What You Eat From Now On After This Surprising Study!

Skipping that last bite might just make you end up living A LOT longer!
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have been studying monkeys for the past 25 years and have found some pretty shocking discoveries when it comes to dieting!
They found that cutting calorie intake by even a small amount could help reduce disease and make you three times less likely to die young!
Monkeys who were allowed to eat anything they wanted were 3 times more likely to be stricken with a life-threatening disease than the group that had their calories reduced by 30%!
The monkeys who ate more were also three times more likely to die at an early age!
Some are saying this study contradicts a 2012 study however, which showed caloric restriction did not improve survival rates in monkeys.
Scientists in Wisconsin disagree and say that study was just flawed. They claim all of the monkeys used in the 2012 study were on a restricted diet, and therefore their results were all similar. What’s more, they say because all of the monkeys ended up living longer in the previous study, it’s believed that reducing calorie intake by just 10% could make a HUGE impact!
While these findings are very significant, the researchers involved stress that people should not start cutting their calories below their own recommended level just yet.
A professor involved on the project, Dr. Rozalyn Anderson explained:

“We are not studying it so people can go out and do it, but to delve into the underlying causes of age-related disease susceptibility. It├óΓé¼Γäós a research tool, not a lifestyle recommendation.├óΓé¼┬¥

Talk to your own doctor about whether or not you should start a regimented calorie reduction, but we think we might start thinking about skipping that last mouthful at meals from now on!