Daniel Radcliffe's Movie About A Farting Dead Guy Prompts Mass Walkouts At Sundance Film Festival!

Poor Daniel Radcliffe.
The British actor has a film premiering at Sundance Film Festival this weekend, and, uh, it’s not going so well…
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Radcliffe and Paul Dano are starring in Swiss Army Man, a film which — seriously — is about a dead guy who comes to life through farting.
Not surprisingly, it’s been a pretty divisive film at the Utah festival. Some people LOVE it — others don’t.
And even though hundreds of people were turned away at its premiere on Friday night at a Park City theater, many, many more who did get in ended up walking out on the film in the middle of its… fart-a-thon.
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Based on just the premise of the film alone… could you really blame them?!
[Image via Channel 4.]