The Hoff Is A Player!

Considering he has been married twice, we’re not surprised.

David Hasselhoff is dating two women at once because it seems he has some commitment issues.

He said:

“I have a girlfriend in Paris and a girlfriend in San Francisco, and they’re really close to me. But I’m not ready emotionally to give yet. I tell them, ‘I need to take time for me, I need to grow and find out who I am totally, before I can take care of you.'”

The problem with me is nothing is secret. They say, ‘What does that girl have that I don’t?’ And I’ll say, ‘She has weekends,’ and then she’ll hit me.

I’m just being honest, they’ll read about it and they get jealous, because I’m an honest person. I treat them with respect, just as I would like to be treated.”

Ha. Let’s just hope these ladies have another on the side too!

[Image via WENN.]