Demi Lovato Prepares To Say Goodbye To Her Precious Tonsils!

They’ve had a good run together, but it’s time for Demi Lovato and her tonsils to finally call it quits!

The Heart Attack singer is preparing to go under the knife tomorrow and will be saying goodbye to her lifelong companions, and it sounds like she’s taking it pretty hard!

A very sad Demi took to Twitter to share her pain, and had the perfect song to express how she was feeling:

Aww! Nothing tends a broken heart like a little Taylor Swift!

She just, like, gets it. Ya know?

And if saying goodbye wasn’t hard enough already, Demi has previously said that she’s going au naturale and choosing not to use any pain killers!

Hopefully she’ll have plenty of ice cream to ease the pain and help mend her broken heart!

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[Image via Hugh Dillon/WENN.]