Did Michael Vick And Alicia Silverstone Bring An End To The Dogfighting App?

Cudos to the unlikely team!

We posted yesterday about the disgusting Android app Dog Wars, which lets players “feed, water, train and fight your virtual dog,” that was pissing off millions of people, including Mr. Vick.

Today we are super pleased to announce it’s off the market, thanks to the unlikely team of Alicia Silverstone and Michael Vick.

Yesterday longtime vegan Silverstone spoke out against the game. She told E!:

“As a mom-to-be and someone who has adopted and loved rescued pit bulls. I join PETA’s millions of members in imploring you to cancel this game immediately. If one dog dies as a result of this game, you will not forgive yourself.”

Despite these criticisms, Dog Wars manufacturer Kage Games sounded unrepentant in a statement:

“Remember: It is just a video game. . . . Go complain to someone who cares about Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Weed Farmer, Smoke A Bowl . . . and maybe even Sierra’s Leisure Suit Larry from 1987.”

It’s true that many video games glorify cruelty to human beings, and so focusing on a dogfighting game while ignoring all of them seems a little myopic.

And while E! speculates that the Android Market had pulled the game in response to pressure, Kage Games says on Twitter that they pulled the game themselves to make updates. They add,

“It lives……Dog Wars lives! Making some updates we’ll be back up shortly!” And so the Dog Wars wars continue.

[Image via WENN.]