Donald Sterling's Wife Shelly Speaks Out About Racism Scandal! Tells Barbara Walters He Has Dementia And She Plans To Divorce Him!

We’ve already heard from V. Stiviano, and got an ‘apology‘ from the accused, now it’s time to hear from someone who knows Donald Sterling better than anyone else. His wife!!
Shelly Sterling sat down with Barbara Walters this weekend and spoke out publicly for the first time about the Los Angeles Clippers owner’s racism scandal, and she did NOT hold back!
One of the biggest bombshell’s she dropped was her belief that the Los Angles Clippers owner has dementia after he claimed he didn’t remember saying anything on the recordings! She revealed:

“In my opinion, I think he — it’s the onset of dementia… I said, ‘Well, this is the tape.’ And he says, ‘Hmm. I don’t remember it.’ That’s when I thought he had dementia.”

Shelly also claims she has every intention to divorce Donald eventually and she even signed most of the paperwork. However, apparently she’s taking a play out of Lamar Odom‘s playbook and is holding off on filing anything! She says:

“I signed the petition for a divorce. And it came to almost being filed. And then, my financial advisor and my attorney said to me, ‘Not now.'”

She then went on to rub a little salt in the wound, as she went on to say:

“I don’t love him. I pity him and I feel sorry for him.”

Barbara eventually turned the attention to some of skeleton’s hiding in Shelly’s closet, as she’s ALSO facing allegations of using racial slurs in the past as well! She claims she is NOT a racist and never made such remarks, and if her husband IS forced to sell the Clippers, she intends on fighting to keep the 50% share of the team she owns:

“I will fight that decision. To be honest with you, I’m wondering if a wife of one of the owners, and there’s 30 owners, did something like that, said those racial slurs, would they oust the husband? Or would they leave the husband in?”

Between Donald, Shelly, and the very mysterious V, we’re not really sure who we can trust anymore in this case! But what we do know is it just seems to get crazier and crazier every day!
Ch-ch-check out a clip of the interview (below)!

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[Image via AP Images.]