Donald Trump Turns The Boy Scouts Of America Gathering Into A Trump Youth Rally & People Are PISSED!

Donald Trump would turn a press briefing into a political rally if he could, so it didn’t come as much of a shock when he attempted to turn the Boy Scouts of America into the Trump Youth.
While giving a 35-minute speech at a national jamboree on Monday, the President covered all his usual bases: attacking Barack Obama, mocking Hillary Clinton, and even threatening his own administration into passing the GOP’s health care bill.
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After kicking off the speech by asking “Who the hell wants to speak about politics when I’m in front of the Boy Scouts?”, Trump did just that — and was soon gloating about his election win and speaking about expecting more “loyalty” to his administration.
And it looked like it was already working, as Trump encouraged the crowd to “boo” former president — and boy scout — Obama.
It began when Trump responded to some man the crowd shouting his affections, saying “I love you, too,” which caused the audience to clap and begin chanting. While basking in the applause, POTUS couldn’t help but ask:

“By the way, just a question. Did President Obama ever come to a jamboree?”

Many of the 40,000 strong crowd booed in response before Trump added:

“The answer is no, but we’ll be back.”

According to The Hill, Obama addressed the 100th anniversary scouting event in 2010 via video. Of course, he wasn’t planning on using the scouts as a political platform.
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The president then took aim at Clinton while bragging about his victory, once again reliving the glory of election night, or as he called it, “that famous night on television.”
Not only did he fire shots at the left, Trump flexed for the scouts by threatening a member of his own administration.
As Human Services Secretary Tom Price came on stage, Trump warned that he would fire the former scout if he doesn’t get enough votes for the GOP’s health care bill. He jabbed:

“Are you gonna get the votes? He better get them. He better get them. Oh, he better! Otherwise I’ll say, ├óΓé¼╦£Tom, you’re fired.’ I’ll get somebody.”

To cap it all off, the Big Cheeto used the virtues of the Boy Scouts as an order to blindly trust his leadership, barking:

“As the scout law says, a scout is trustworthy, loyal. We could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that.”

Hmm… sounds like what he said to former FBI Director James Comey before giving him the boot.
Trump, who was not a Boy Scout, was skewered by current and former members of the organization for the “abuse of children” and using the congregation as a political rally.
See the strong reactions (below) along with the full infuriating speech.

The organization responded to the backlash on Monday night, writing in a statement:

“The Boy Scouts of America is wholly non-partisan and does not promote any one position, product, service, political candidate or philosophy. The invitation for the sitting U.S. President to visit the National Jamboree is a long-standing tradition and is in no way an endorsement of any political party or specific policies. The sitting U.S. President serves as the BSA’s honorary president. It is our long-standing custom to invite the U.S. President to the National Jamboree.”

Are you at all surprised Trump used the National Jamboree as a political rally?
[Image via YouTube.]