Celebs Against Trump! Bryan Cranston, Kerry Washington, Lena Dunham, Neil Patrick Harris, & More Join Together In New Campaign!

This is seriously long overdue!
More than 100 celebs, including Julianne Moore, Bryan Cranston, Kerry Washington, Mark Ruffalo, Neil Patrick Harris, Lena Dunham, Shonda Rhimes, and Macklemore, have joined together in a coordinated campaign to urge Americans NOT to vote for Donald Trump.
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The campaign, which is being put on by MoveOn.org‘s #UnitedAgainstHate effort, has released an open letter very critical of Trump, and asking American citizens to join against the Republican Party’s nominee for President this fall in the very important election.
In part, the letter signed by all the celebs reads:

“Donald Trump wants to take our country back to a time when fear excused violence, when greed fueled discrimination, and when the state wrote prejudice against marginalized communities into law …. Some of us come from the groups Trump has attacked. Some of us don’t. But as history has shown, it’s often only a matter of time before the ‘other’ becomes me.”

They are NOT playing around — and it is so good to see!
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The letter continues:

“We believe it is our responsibility to use our platforms to bring attention to the dangers of a Trump presidency, and to the real and present threats of his candidacy … We call upon every American to join us to stand together on the right side of history, to use the power of our voice and the power of our vote to defeat Donald Trump and the hateful ideology he represents.”

If you’d like to read the full letter — and sign it — click HERE.
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The bottom line is, it’s great to see people coming together to stop somebody as hateful and bigoted as The Donald.
We are better than this!!
[Image via Joseph Marzullo/Ivan Nikolov/WENN/CBS.]