Nazis Applaud Trump's Defense Of White Nationalists, Everyone Else Is LIVID! See The Shocked Reactions Of Celebs, Politicians, & More!

We’re still processing the fact the President of the United States actually went out of his way to double back Tuesday and defend the white supremacists in Charlottesville whose rally resulted in death and dozens of injuries.
Donald Trump has said some shocking things, but straight up defending the alt-right, AKA white supremacists, AKA neo-Nazis? By creating a false equivalency in the made up “alt-left”?
Truly despicable.
Related: Trump Can’t Stop Losing Manufacturing Council Members After Charlottesville!
Of course, some people are really happy with what he said. You know, like the Ku Klux Klan.
Sadly, that isn’t a joke. The former Imperial Wizard of the KKK and current “white nationalist” David Duke wrote on Twitter:

But how about the people who AREN’T racist pieces of shit? Here’s a sampling of the THOUSANDS of outraged tweets from celebs, politicians, and concerned disgusted citizens:

And re: Duke…

But we’ll let Josh Gad have the last word on this one.
