Hillary Clinton

Man Blames Donald Trump After Getting Arrested For Groping Sleeping Woman On Airplane!

It’s finally happened. This is not a slippery slope argument, nor is it an Onion article.
A man committed sexual assault against a woman and used Donald Trump‘s infamous “grab them by the p***y” comments as his shield.
When a Southwest flight from Houston landed in Albuquerque on Sunday, a man named Bruce Alexander was arrested on charges of abusive sexual contact, according to court documents obtained by USA Today.
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The 49-year-old is accused of groping a sleeping woman who was seated in front of him on the 2-hour flight.
The woman said she fell asleep shortly after takeoff and woke up when she felt Alexander’s hand grab her right breast. She pardoned it as an accident until a half hour later he tried it again. She says he felt around the seat, blindly grabbing her arm then her ribs and finally her breast again — apparently not realizing she was awake this time.
The unidentified woman then stood up and told him to stop, saying something to the effect that she didn’t understand how he thought that was OK. (More on that in a moment.)
A flight attendant re-seated her away from Alexander.
When the flight landed, authorities asked the woman about the incident and then arrested Alexander.
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According to the affidavit, the accused first denied the incident, saying he was sleeping most of the flight then tried to excuse it by saying:

“The president of the United States says it’s OK to grab women by their private parts.”

Seriously, WTF.
If you think this is the end of it, you are wrong.
We’re sorry, but think about the young boys growing up in households where Trump is deified despite his consistently horrible behavior. What message are they being sent?
What message are young girls being sent when their own mothers tell them this man is allowed to say and do these things??
[Image via CBS/WENN.]