Donald Trump Is Only Choosing To Receive ONE Intelligence Briefing Per Week, Per Reports

It’s because he knows so much more than the generals, right?!
According to U.S. officials familiar with the President-elect’s habits, Donald Trump receives on average just one presidential intelligence briefing per week!
For reference, the vast majority of his predecessors have opted to receive the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), the most highly classified document in the government that gives a daily look at what’s going on around the world.
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And yet for Trump, well, once a week seems good enough — but what a place to cut corners!!
It is not immediately clear why Trump has opted not to receive the daily briefings that are available to him, but an official on his transition team said yesterday that he has been receiving “routine” briefings at some degree, though the official declined to confirm how often.
For what it’s worth, Vice President-elect Mike Pence is receiving his PDB at least six days per week, according to sources that confirmed the fact with Reuters.
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At least one politician — Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee — is very angry that The Donald has chosen to receive so few briefs during his run up to the inauguration:

“It is deeply disturbing that the president-elect has time for rallies but not for regular intelligence briefings.”

No kidding!
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Knowing that Trump’s election win is already closely linked to some disturbing world players, the fact that The Donald isn’t being briefed daily on the goings-on around the world is… horrifying.
It’s going to be a long four years.
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]