Donald Trump, James Corden, J.K. Rowling, & More React To The U.K.'s Historic Brexit Vote!

We’re honestly still in shock.
On Friday, it was announced that the people of the United Kingdom decided to “Brexit” (AKA a British exit) from the European Union. As a result of this vote, Prime Minister David Cameron resigned and the British pound dropped to its lowest value since 1985. Oh man.
This historic news obviously sparked reactions from politicians and celebrities from around the globe. While most A-listers seem upset and shocked by the vote, the one person who is happy by the Brexit is… Donald Trump. Of course.
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After 52% of the 33 million voters decided to walk away from the EU, Trump couldn’t help but express his glee over the decision. He stated:

“I said this was going to happen and I think it’s a great thing. We will see. Basically they took back their country, that’s a good thing.”

SRSLY? Not shockingly, most celebs disagreed with Trump and are mourning the Brexit on Twitter — including James Corden, Ryan Seacrest, Ellie Goulding, and J.K. Rowling.
Ch-ch-check out their reactions, plus many others (below)!

What do YOU think of the Brexit decision?
[Image via WENN.]