Donald Trump Broke Bread With Mitt Romney & Twitter Couldn't Handle It! See The Most HIGHlarious Responses!

President-elect Donald Trump is currently debating who should be his secretary of state — and Mitt Romney is still trying to woo his way into the billionaire’s cabinet!
On Tuesday night, the President-elect had dinner with the former Massachusetts governor in New York City amid speculation Trump may select Romney as his secretary of state.
CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta spotted the two wining and dining with Reince Priebus, the current chairman of the Republican National Committee (and Trump’s pick for chief of staff) at the Jean-Georges restaurant in Trump Tower.
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Acosta live-tweeted his observations from a few tables over, which sparked a flood of Twitter reactions about the encounter — from jokes about Trump’s devilish facial expressions to speculation that the dinner was actually a political breakup!
Observers also noted since Trump’s pick for secretary of state is more likely to be a loyal supporter like Rudy Giuliani, the President-elect is merely letting Romney — who was a one of Trump’s many vocal critics during the election — grovel at his feet with no intention of selecting him for a cabinet position.
Either way, Trump is clearly feeling the belle of the political ball — and, dammit, he deserves to be wined and dined like a true king ruler dictator president!
Ch-ch-check out some of the best Twitter responses (below)!!

[Image via Twitter.]