Miss Finland Becomes Twelfth Woman To Accuse Donald Trump Of Sexual Misconduct -- Read Her Disgusting Story!

It’s crazy to think Donald Trump has almost as many sexual misconduct accusers as the Duggars have kids.
On Tuesday, former Miss Finland Ninni Laaksonen became the twelfth woman to come forward against the presidential hopeful.
Very brave indeed considering the news comes on the heels of Trump declaring he’d sue the long list of women who’ve made allegations.
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Laaksonen told Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat Drumpf “grabbed her butt” while she and other beauty pageant contestants posed for a picture outside of David Letterman‘s show back in 2006.
In the transcript, which was translated by the Daily Telegraph, Laaksonen claims the politician brazenly touched her as they stood for the photo:

“Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt. He really grabbed my butt. I don’t think anybody saw it but I flinched and thought: ├óΓé¼╦£What is happening?'”

DISGUSTING. It’s unfortunate that this account echoes so many other stories of inappropriate behavior by the 70-year-old.
To make matters even worse, one insider later told the beauty queen Donald “liked” her because she looked like a “younger” version of his wife Melania Trump! It’s especially creepy considering the mogul had married Melania just ONE YEAR before the supposed incident.
Ms. Laaksonen went on to explain:

“Somebody told me there that Trump liked me because I looked like Melania when she was younger. It left me disgusted.”

Yikes. We can understand why Ninni would be “disgusted”.
As of now, Mr. Trump has yet to address the latest accusations. We imagine he’ll continue to deny as usual.
What do YOU think of Laaksonen’s account?
[Image via Splash News.]