Hillary Clinton

Late Night Reacts To Stormy Daniels’ Vivid Description Of Donald Trump’s Penis

You probably already know why “Toad” and “Mario Kart” were trending this week and now have a deep-seated aversion to mushrooms.
But just in case you aren’t caught up to speed on what Donald Trump’s peen looks like, all of late night is here to remind you.
Related: Trump Offered To Help Stormy ‘Cheat’ Through ‘The Apprentice’!
On Tuesday night, Seth Meyers, James Corden, and The Jimmies (Fallon and Kimmel) reacted to the excerpts that dropped from Stormy Daniels’ tell-all book, particularly the passage where she claims the president’s penis looks like “the mushroom character in Mario Kart.”
How did they react? Let’s just say, for once, it was the first time Meyers didn’t want to take A Closer Look.
Ch-ch-check out the clips (below) to hear all the jokes about Trump’s grotesque toadstool d*ck…

*Vomits on the way to the bathroom*